Sports Reports Week Ending Friday 30 September

Sports Reports

Week Ending Friday 30 September

Weston & District Netball v Nailsea, Wednesday 28 September: Sidcot 21 – 28 Nailsea

After their emphatic win last week the Sidcot girls faced a much sterner test against a young and well drilled Nailsea team. Knowing that their opposition had recently enjoyed a season in a higher division had little impact on Sidcot’s approach to the game, continuing to play the fast and dynamic netball which proved so decisive just seven days ago.

In a tight and low scoring first quarter, Sidcot were the more successful under the posts and deservedly led by five goals to two at the break. Much of this success was due to the terrific vision and combination of Zoe Mercer and Vivian Chan in defence who managed to pick off any loose ball fed into the circle and who also totally dominated in the rebound area. This provided the platform for Sidcot to drive forward to take total control of the game, but unfortunately Nailsea showed great resilience to fight back, replying with nine goals of their own.

With the game now evenly balanced it was Nailsea’s greater level of fitness and accuracy which enabled them to forge ahead in a quarter where Sidcot scored just one goal. It was clearly evident that Sidcot struggled in this quarter and with tired legs and a dip in confidence, the inaccuracies in their play proved very beneficial to Nailsea. Although at this point the game was probably out of reach, the Sidcot girls showed great resilience of their own to take back control of the ball, moving it at speed down the court and into space which was mainly created by some sublime movement from Anouska Long.

In only her second game at this level, she showed terrific timing, agility and awareness around the attacking circle and helped by her captain, Charlotte Dolman, the pair quickly regained their shooting rhythm. Unfortunately, despite winning the last quarter, the damage inflicted earlier during the third enabled Nailsea to win by a margin of seven goals.

This was still a good performance from this newly formed team, but it highlighted many areas that the girls still need to work on in practice if they are to maintain an intensity of play for the whole hour in future.

Player of the match: Vivian Chan

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U12 Netball v Churchill Academy: Thursday 29 September: Sidcot 4 – 3 Churchill

Sidcot selected a squad of eight third form girls to travel to Churchill for their first ever inter- school fixture. Both teams eagerly took to the court and immediately demonstrated good understanding of the game and skills in their play. Despite at times some frenetic passing from both teams, the game was evenly balanced, although Churchill certainly had a height advantage over the Sidcot girls. What Sidcot lacked in height they more than made up for in determination and resilience to chase the loose ball and this certainly made a difference in terms of gaining and maintaining good possession. 

Lila Porter had a terrific first game as GD/GK, as did Lilia Fairley at GS/GA. In the mid court Jess Brown, Evie Ward, Izzy Lee and Vicki Lawrence all worked hard and contributed valuably in their respective positions. Sophie Lee used her previous experience of playing school fixtures to secure quality ball for the team and Elsa Cardale adapted well to the various roles she was asked to play within the course of the game. 

This was a very encouraging start for the Under 12 team and if they continue to show improvement and commitment in training, hopefully they will have a good season with further positive results.        

Players of the match: Victoria Lawrence

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U13 Netball v Churchill Academy, Thursday 29 September: Sidcot 9 – 1 Churchill

Fortunately the sun shone for the first netball fixture of the season. The U13 girls were a little apprehensive to be playing their close rivals but responded well to the team huddle at the start of the game. They played positively throughout the match where they faced two different teams from the opposition. During the 4 quarters, positions were changed frequently to determine what the best combinations were. There appeared to be great flexibility within the team as all players coped well in any position they were placed in. They showed speed and accuracy in their passing at times. Greater consistency is needed to maintain possession better in future games but this was a great start.

Player of match 1: Skye Braham
Player of match 2: Sofia Parker Mills
Player's player: Erin Crofts

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

U14 Netball v Churchill Academy: Thursday 29 September Sidcot 9 – 19 Churchill

In the first game of the season Sidcot matched Churchill in the first two quarters with Maisy Hann and Jasmine Bell working hard to control the mid court. Sidcot’s shooting took a little time to find its rhythm, but eventually Frankie Harrill and Hannah Fairley started to slot home the goals.
The half time score ended eight goals to six in Churchill’s favour, with Sidcot very much still in the game. Unfortunately the third and fourth quarters saw Churchill improve in their shooting consistency and consequently started to dominate the attacking third of the court.

All the girls worked hard for the team and enjoyed a very exciting first fixture in what looks to be a promising season. 

Player of the match: Maisy Hann

Nigel Taylor
PE Faculty

U15/16 Hockey v Churchill Academy, Thursday 29 September: Sidcot 0 – 6 Churchill

For these girls, this was the opening game of the season and the first on the new astro. It was a pleasing performance in which the squad displayed good resilience against a side with several very experienced and skilful players.

The first half proved fairly equal. Both teams mounted good attacks and, for the most part they were successfully repelled. Some good marking and solid tackling, plus some robust saves by Millie Ashworth, certainly kept the ball out of the Sidcot goal until the final minutes of the half when Churchill managed to slot home.

The second half saw Churchill move up a gear and the Sidcot defence and midfield were really stretched and called upon to work really hard. Lydia Hodge and Bethan Lee endeavoured to mark tightly, while Frida Cardale as sweeper had to fight hard to win the ball and then distribute it out wide to the hard running Molly Carter and Yasmin Sluijmers who received the ball and ran well on the flanks.

Despite all efforts and continuing determination to the final whistle, Churchill scored further goals to extend their lead and win the game.

I certainly hope the girls will not feel demoralised by this result – there is much promise of good performances to come and a strong foundation on which to build.

Player of the match: Frida Cardale

Rosie Bellinger
Head of PE Faculty

1st XV Rugby v Millfield School, Saturday 24 September: Sidcot 17 – 36 Millfield

Sidcot travelled to Millfield to play their first game of the season and encountered a Millfield pack that was as big as their reputation. However, despite the odds, Sidcot took the lead through Alex Crofts after a delightful chip though by Will McArthur. Sidcot defended manfully against a very dominate side only to trail three tries to one.

In the Second half Sidcot came out all guns blazing to score a beautifully-worked try by Will Corderoy. Then, an outstanding individual try by Alex Crofts had the second half score at two tries all, until Millfield struck in the last minute. Every player came hobbling off the field knowing they had given everything for their school! What a fantastic afternoon.

Alex Smith
PE Faculty

U12 Rugby v Queen Elizabeth's Hospital School, Wednesday 28 September: Sidcot 25 – 5 QEH

Sidcot U12s continued their impressive start to the season with a comprehensive victory over a typically strong QEH team. The early exchanges were immensely physical with every man tacking for his life. Sidcot finally managed to break the dead lock through Guy Owen shorty before half time. The second half started in the same manner with Sidcot now getting the physical advantage over a tiring QEH defence and creating the space to play some beautiful expansive rugby.

Men of the match: James Wroath / Theo Parker-Mills

Alex Smith
PE Faculty