Sports Reports – Week Ending Friday 30th June

Sports Reports

Week Ending Friday 30th June

U12 Rounders v Backwell Tuesday 27th June: Sidcot 11.5 - 16.5 Blackwell

The U12 girls were extremely exuberant on their last match of the season. There was a good turn out so the squad sensibly organised who was substituting in the first and second innings.

Sidcot had lost the toss so were batting first. They started well, with Sophie Lee, Isabelle Lee and Ella Hicks Hurley scoring whole rounders by choosing good places to strike the ball. Backwell made one or two errors, which allowed Sidcot to score a few more half rounders from balls which were not hit decisively.
When Sidcot fielded, Isabelle Hoddell bowled consisitenlty, while Sophie Lee and Ella Hicks Hurley had some good catches and fast deliveries to second base to reduce Backwell's scoring rate. Sadly at other times they lacked a little focus and made a few errors allowing Backwell to score some easy rounders from some misfielded balls.  The score at half time was quite close with Backwell on 7.5 and Sidcot on 5.5. After making substitutions at half time Sidcot continued to score steadily in the second innnings with Lila  Porter scoring 1.5 rounders, Elsa Cardale and Ella Hicks Hurley scored 1 each and Claudia Jarman a half. They managed to increase their score by another 6 rounders so setting a fair target for Backwell. They began their fielding session extremely well by getting the first two batsmen out. Sadly Backwell then had a lucky spell and started to hit the ball strongly into second and third deep. Once they began to score, Sidcot seemed unable to stop them. They finally managed to score another 9 rounders which meant they had a convincing win.

It has been great that so many U12 girls have regularly come to practice and been available for the matches. They certainly appear to have enjoyed themselves, so we hope this enthusiasm will continue next term with the winter sports.
Player of the Match Bethan Kolind

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

Girls' U13 Rounders v Backwell School, Tuesday 27th June: Sidcot 9.5 - 6.5 Backwell

This was a super game with which to finish the season – and what a successful season it has been! Really good team spirit and commitment from all.

Sidcot went into bat first and although hitting was good Backwell were sharp in the field and scoring opportunities were limited and the girls really had to run hard to take their limited chances to score. By the changeover 5 rounders had been scored – quite a small number!

Pressure was on to field well and consistent bowling by Lillie Arnold really helped to limit Backwell scoring. Good long barrier work and covering play in the deep field also prevented Backwell from scoring. Post players were agile and crisp to stump and Backwell managed a meagre 2.5 rounders. Well done to our fielders indeed!

The second innings got underway and our girls again hit out well – and took their chances sensibly. Afurther 4.5 rounders were scored leaving Backwell with an uphill task!

Further good fielding and excellent communication and team play prevented the Backwell team from challenging our total!

The final score was a good reflection of the play and a fair result.

Well done to all!

Player of the match: Mia Hann

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

Girls’ U15 Rounders vs Backwell School, Tuesday 28 June: Backwell 4.5 - 1.5 Sidcot / Backwell 6.5 - 3.5 Sidcot

Travelling away, on this their last rounders fixture of the year, the U15’s turned out in force fielding twelve players. All eager to play their part, it was fortunate that Backwell were able to provide two teams, making Sidcot’s team rotation easy and fair to organise. 

In the first game Sidcot placed the opposition into bat and immediately showed great sharpness in the field, restricting Backwell’s ability to score full rounders. Ellie Petrie was kept especially busy out at 3rd deep and together with Maddy Northcott at 2nd post, they were mainly responsible for keeping the Backwell opportunities to a minimum. Indeigh Winterson and Ellie Cooke also contributed by taking two good catches in the field and with Backwell running out of good balls, Sidcot were set a target of only 4.5 to win. 

Initially making good contact with the bat, Sidcot looked promising, but some equally sublime catches by the home team resulted in Sidcot losing four batsmen in quick succession. In their second game Sidcot maintained this consistency to hit the ball well, with Maddy Northcott, Harvey Panay and Gretel Havercroft running positively between the posts. Chasing 3.5 to win, Backwell began slowly due to the excellent fielding skills being exhibited by Harvey Panay. She not only took a great catch out deep, but her reactions and fast throwing arm back into 4th post, where Gretel Havercroft gathered confidently, made it very difficult for Backwell to score off some hard and accurate hitting.

Despite a lack of sunshine, this was a lovely and most enjoyable end to the summer season of rounders and the spirit in which the games were played epitomised the Sidcot girls’ willingness to represent their school and compete whole-heartedly against quality opposition. Congratulations to all involved.   

Players of the match: Lucy Chen / Gretel Havercroft  

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty