Sports Reports – Week Ending Friday 8th December

Sports Reports

Week Ending Friday 8th December

Sidcot Volleyball News

The Sidcot Volleyball team are enjoying participating in the Bristol & District Mixed Volleyball League this season and have their next game on the 13th January. We wish them luck for this! 

The following boys have been selected to take part in the National U18s Men's Cup in Barnstaple this weekend. 


Ernie Tang
Richard Law
Matthew Tse
Ray Bai
Ilja Bazenovs 
Valerijs Selepins

Boys' U14 Rugby v King's College Taunton, Saturday 2nd December: Sidcot 12-2 KCT

In perfect conditions for rugby, Sidcot produced their best performance of the season. After conceding two early tries, captain Henry Hawkins rallied his troops. His team responded in kind, matching King's stride for stride until half time. After the interval, Sidcot raised the bar further still and scored two tries and one conversation to level the scores at 12 each. With Eddie Binks leading the forwards in his usually robust style Sidcot and Kings went toe to toe, both teams having to defend for their lives. With a minute to go, King's scored an outstanding try, with Sidcot left shell shocked; they scored again on the final whistle. It was pleasure to watch this game and no team deserved to lose.

Player of the match: Henry Hawkins

Alex Smith
PE Faculty

Boys' U15 Rugby v King's College Taunton B, Saturday 2nd December: Sidcot 58-0 KCT

For the first time in a while, the Lower Fifth fielded a very strong team with line breakers and ball players across the field. We started the match with some lovely passing and a break-away try in the first few minutes which set the scene for the rest of the match. Sidcot demonstrated a style of rugby that was silky and powerful and pleasing to watch, with players from across the park providing something for the teams success.

The momentum is on our side as we enter the last games of the season. A long trip to Rendcomb next week requires us to be on just as good form.

Players of the match: Alexei Stevens & Toby Speed

Matt Lloyd
Director of Sport

North Somerset Indoor Athletics @ Priory School, Tuesday 5th December

The students who participated in the indoor athletic championship on Tuesday evening had an exciting and energetic time. They were involved in both track and field events and competed with great resilience and determination. Each race was closely fought with everyone giving their best and more, to achieve a good result for their team. In the field event area everyone was practicing then performing to the best of their ability. The Final results reflected this, as they were very close. The Lower Fourth boys missed second place by 1 point while the Third Form girls missed out on first place by 2 points. This means that the Third Form girls will go forward to the next round of competitions in the new year.

Individually the girls scored some firsts. Stella Arnold and Isabelle Hoddell both won their 6-lap race while Nyree Porter won her 4-lap race and then with Lucy Ayres won the 8-lap parlaf. In the final set of relays the Third form girls won their event. In the boys' events, Guy Owen came second in the 6 lap race and Theo Parker Mills was second in the 2-lap race. These individuals have been invited to attend the Avon schools Sports hall athletic championships in Bristol in January, where we wish them well.

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

Girls' U12 Netball Tournament @ Backwell School, Thursday 7th December

Sidcot entered two teams into the North Somerset Schools U12 Netball tournament. Both teams played brilliantly but we did not manage to make it to finals. Sidcot managed some wins and some close draws, but unfortunately lost against some really strong opposition. Well done to the girls who received player of the match. These went to Ava, Stella and Jess.

Heather Barnes
PE Faculty