Student Debate 2016

Student Debate

We would like to formally thank the Sidcot community for the great support we have had, for the first annual Sidcotian Debate event. It has been a unique opportunity for the students of Sidcot to take the helm, planning and coordinating an event of this nature for the first time.

As part of that uplifting opportunity, we have had the enthusiastically strong support of the staff to thank. Last Friday’s inaugural event, helped to pioneer a new Sidcot tradition, intended to be the first of many to come. We also want to thank the participants for their commitment in taking part, and their courage to speak so well in front of a large audience. 

The event’s motions allowed the evening to showcase issues the students felt were at the core of their time in education, and were of significance to the international school community at Sidcot.

The opening junior level debate with the motion, ‘should mobile phones be banned in schools?’- offered a rousing debate that covered all aspects of mobile phone technology and its application in schools. Both sides of the motion was astutely argued by excellent junior debaters.

The senior debate focused on a national issue with international gravity, ‘Brexit: should the UK leave the EU?’ – Issues economic to political, social and historical were adeptly raised and argued by a well versed 6th form team.  The event proved a great culmination of student initiative and staff support.

Our thanks to all.


Daniel Marcos-Ashworth – L6                    

Jonathan Peters – L6