Termly House Update

Termly House Update

Once again this term has been a busy and exciting one for Houses, with House Drama and the Swimming gala taking centre stage.

On Wednesday 21st Third Form to Lower Fifth took part in the annual Swimming Gala. This was a great afternoon with great participation and impressive performances with even some records being broken. After a hard fought contest South House came out on top! Many thanks to the PE Faculty for running such a great event as usual.

Also on Wednesday, students in the Upper Fifth to Upper Sixth took part in a very entertaining and enjoyable House drama event. Organised by the Heads of Houses and hosted by Director of Drama, Pippa Bell, students took part in a series of improv games to compete for the win. South House continued the trend of winning Wednesday by also taking home the win from House drama. 

The following day the School and the Houses turned their attention to raising money for the nationwide Sport Relief charity. This year the Houses held inter House Netball matches, featuring students from Third Form to Upper Sixth and a couple of staff members attempting to play Netball! Highlights were Ed Pemberton's outfit and Third Form's Pedro Abad's wonder shot!

A final update on how our total house point scores currently look after House drama and the Swimming Gala

1st= North – 1,272
2nd= South –  882
3rd= East – 862
4th= West – 496

The Heads of Houses would like to thank all the students who have take part in all House based activities, or earned house points in lessons. Next term promises to be just as exciting!

Alfie Cunningham
Head of North House