Textiles shoe project: endangered species awareness

Upper Fourth Textiles students have come to the end of their rotation creating shoes that bring awareness to endangered species. This project follows on from the group eco-shoe challenge and encourages creativity through promotional design and embellishment. Tasha Prankerd, Geography Department (and shoe lover), kindly agreed to judge the final designs and due to the quality of the work presented decided to give five awards, as follows:

  • Lucie Bouchere-Roseff for the ‘Best Fashion Shoe and overall Designer of the Project’
  • Ben Mitchell and Phoebe Williams for dedication to detail, conveying the species plight
  • Clara Mann and Lizzie Dolley for’ Best Overall Project’ (to include, finished shoe, acrylic display stand, promotional poster and campaign letter)

Congratulations to all of the students, awards can be seen in the Design and Technology corridor and Miss Prankerd has selected the 4 shoes below to showcase in her Geography classroom.

Emma Kilpatrick’s butterfly metamorphosis, Mary-Lou Jansen’s  oriental stork, Clara Mann’s hummingbird and Lizzie Dolley’s bat-eared fox.

We are now sending letters and photographs of the shoes to the campaign offices of the selected endangered species. See Phoebe Williams’ letter on the next page. We will keep you informed of any response.


International Crane Foundation:

Dear Sirs

We were asked to upcycle a shoe into a symbol representing endangered species. I chose the whooping crane.

This is because when most people think of endangered species, they think of animals and not bird’s, however the whooping crane does not deserve to be overlooked as it has outstanding beauty and elegance.

My base embellishment material is Angelina fibres. They are fibres that when put under heat and pressure bond together to create an iridescent effect. This represents the oil which is polluting the cranes wintering habitat.
I also decorated the shoes with pieces of plastic bag, representing the plastic bags choking our ocean’s, that cranes are fatally digesting. My final piece of decoration is origami paper cranes to showcase the bird’s beauty and vulnerability.

This imagery on the shoes should raise public awareness. I hope you like my idea and consider it as a promotional piece for your campaign.

Yours faithfully

Phoebe Williams
Student at Sidcot School