That They Might Lovely Be

That They Might Lovely Be

Please support our home-grown writer! David Matthews' (Old Scholar, Class of 1975) first novel is out on 8th December.

David and his sons have been offering their generous support to our students too. They are members of Sidcotians Connect offering small group careers help; in teaching, being a medic at Oxford and being an economic consultant within the transport and town-planning sector. David has recently retired from teaching having been Headmaster for eleven years.

Sidcotians (Old Scholars, Parents, Staff) are all warmly invited to his Book Launch Party!

Wednesday 20th December, 6.30pm

Quaker Friends’ House in London (173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ)

Pre-order through Amazon or contact your local bookseller today

ISBN-10: 1785356232

“This novel takes its title from the seventeenth century hymn My Song is Love Unknown and this excellent first novel is also about love unknown, about sin and its consequences, about grief and even about redemption. Although there is war (the novel is set in rural Britain in the twin times of the 1920s and 1940s), suicide, loneliness and despair, it is a deeply hopeful novel.”

Fr Richard Peers, Diocese of Liverpool