Third Form Quaker Rap

Third Form Quaker Rap

In order to celebrate the end of their first year at the Senior School, Third Form students had the chance to write and perform an ode to the Quaker values in an assembly on Monday. Staff and students were proud to see their take on what these values really mean to them. Well done Third Form!


Yo yo Quaker Quaker
We do not accept any hater
Yo yo Simplicity
I think we need a cup of tea
Take what you need
Don’t live a life of greed
Don’t do drugs
Just give hugs
Go to school
Don’t be a fool
Don’t buy too much food
Or you’ll never be a dude
Simplicity ... Is no mystery
Give your money to charities
Don’t buy a Lamborghini
Just buy a Nissan – ‘cause it’s a genie!


Truth is amazing
Because you don’t lie
It makes you feel like you’re about to fly
If you tell the truth
You’ll be immortal
You will never stall, you will never fall
If you tell the truth, you will have the trust
You will be a big fat must
And your love will never rust


Equality Equality
We need Equality

Refugees risk their lives,
not knowing what awaits them

Let’s not treat them like fish bait,
They are the same as you and me

Doesn’t matter who you are,
Boy or girl we have equality

Walk, run, crawl – or don’t move at all
We are all the same, forever we proclaim


Peace, Peace around the world
Giving respect to every by and girl

Don’t be afraid to say what you think
Let the bad comments go down the sink

Peace, Peace is what we need
No more fighting for people’s greed

Stop wars – it makes people poor
For the others that just want more

Increase recycling

Let’s go cycling
We don’t need a car
It’s not that far.

Recycle, recycle so we can reuse
Have you seen the poor polar bears dying on the news?

Put solar panels on your roof
Or our energy will just go poof.