UK Fun Cup Championship at Snetterton

UK Fun Cup Championship at Snetterton

Last weekend, Upper Ffith student Riley Phillips travelled to Snetterton circuit in Norfolk to begin his UK Fun Cup Championship campaign.

After finishing his GCSE English exam, a 6.5 hour trip across the country brought Riley to the track late on Friday, missing Friday practice; not the ideal preparation for a race weekend against seasoned professionals. Fun Cup is an endurance series based on the VW beetle silhouette, but is actually a full spec tubular race car underneath, with the VW Golf 1800cc engine in the back and a full sequential gear box. Each race lasts four hours with five pit stops and driver changes, usually split between a team of two or three drivers. There were 26 cars taking part, including several experienced Le Mans drivers.  

The task ahead was in fact a near vertical learning curve; unable to race until 16 (when you can get a senior race licence) Riley has missed the first three races and has not even been allowed in the car to practice. So Riley, at 16 and two weeks sat in the race car for the very first time Saturday morning, received a quick rundown on the various dials and switches, how to get in and out the car (not as easy as you'd think) and met his co-drivers Jack and Steve – then headed out for qualifying with 26 other race cars.

The grid for the start is actually picked randomly and Riley and the team in car number 188 started 24th. They were on the pace and moved up quickly, soon trading positions in the top part of the field between 7th-12th. Riley came in for the final pit stop in 7th, but unfortunately the car in the pits behind us over ran its pit bay and blocked our garage so the team had to drag their refuelling equipment and tools out of the garage and perform their pit stop in the pit lane! This lost us 15 seconds; which was seven places, and unable to make up any more positions in the final 30 minutes Car 188 crossed the line 14th, which was a very respectable finish. Riley showed great pace and race craft, and the team did make it to the podium as Team of The Day. The race will be covered on

Our next race is Silverstone at the end of July, followed by races at Brands Hatch and Donington. If any students or parents are interested in any aspect of motorsport, then please feel free to make contact.

Debbie Burgess
Sidcot Parent