Wing House New Boarding Annexe

Wing House New Boarding Annexe

Five months into the build and the new boarding annexe at Wing House is really taking shape. With autumn now upon us the annexe is water tight; windows have been installed and the roof tiles are on and the first electrical fix is underway. The project is on schedule for completion by Easter 2018.

The new boarding annexe will provide quality accommodation for our boarding community. It will consist of 12 single study en-suite bedrooms on the first floor, a single and twin study en-suite bedroom on the ground floor, along with new Houseparent accommodation. The new annexe and existing Wing House will be connected by a new light-filled common room, which will offer a great communal space to relax in.

Once the new annexe has been completed an extensive refurbishment programme will take place on existing Wing House.

Hilary Atkin
Director of Operations