What do you enjoy about being a governor of Sidcot?
It’s early days for me, but the welcome of the staff and colleagues, and the energy and vitality of the School have stood out.
What do you do in everyday life?
I am an academic in the Physics Department at the University of Bristol, and enjoy very varied roles across teaching, research, and administration. I consider myself very fortunate to have ended up working in Higher Education with such bright and engaged students and colleagues. Some of the highlights have been travelling all over the world to meet prospective students, embedding skills training in the curriculum, and developing partnerships with industry and other groups.
What’s most important to you about being a governor?
I am very interested in applying my experience to support the students and staff of Sidcot.
Young people build the future; as a governor, I am able to offer my skills, experience and enthusiasm in support of a school dedicated to developing individuals that will have the knowledge and desire to ensure that the future is equitable, peaceful and sustainable
What are you curious about?
What is there not to be curious about? I think we are all Natural Scientists!
What surprises you about Sidcot?
I am curious to find out…and I am sure to be surprised!
Do you think you would enjoy being a student at Sidcot? And if so, why?
Absolutely - I love the environment and the commitment of everyone connected with the School.
What does Quakerism mean to you?
Growing up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, I was very fortunate to attend Friends’ School in Lisburn (very similar to Sidcot). I realise now just how beneficial the non-sectarian educational environment was for me - and value greatly how its ethos continues to resonate through my personal and professional life.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
You can’t steer a ship that isn’t moving!
If you had one word to sum up Sidcot, what would it be?