Sidcot Staff & Governors

The Governors are the proprietors of the School and the Chair of Governors may be reached at the School’s address. You can contact the Chair of Governors at

  • Senior Management Team
  • Senior School Teaching Staff
  • Junior School Teaching Staff
  • Boarding House Staff
  • Non-Teaching Staff
  • Governors
James Jones
Head of Sidcot School
Joanna Leite
Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Christian Hughes
Deputy Head (Academic)
Steve Harris
Director of Finance
Keith Perry
Director of Operations
Sarah Simms
Director of Marketing and Development
Catherine Dykes
Head of Junior School
Charlotte Resuggan
Assistant Head (Teaching & Learning), Teacher of Drama, Housemistress Newcombe
Thomas Ruddle
Assistant Head (Upper School) / Teacher of D&T
Allison Clark
Head of IT Services
Amandine Smilevich
Head of Boarding, Teacher of EAL, Housemistress of SHG and SHB
Johannah Egan
Head of Art
Sara Reed
Teacher of Fine Art
Alison Shurville
Teacher of Art and Photography
Nicky Szymanska-King
Teacher of Fine Art & Photography
Victoria Saunders-Smith
Art Technician
Business Studies
Dave McDonagh
Head of Business Studies Department
Geoffrey Andrews
Teacher of Languages
Cova Corripio
Teacher of Business Studies
Alexander Lickorish
Head of Lower School & Teacher of Business Studies
James Milne
Head of Year 11 Pathway, Teacher of Business Studies & Economics, Housemaster of Wing
Alison Pike
Head of Careers and Higher Education Guidance
Ebba Scherer
Director of Drama
Charlotte Resuggan
Assistant Head (Teaching & Learning), Teacher of Drama, Housemistress Newcombe
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Liz Teixeira
Head of EAL, Boarding Assistant
Amandine Smilevich
Head of Boarding, Teacher of EAL, Housemistress of SHG and SHB
Jennifer Winchester
Teacher of EAL
Nicholas Yao
Teacher of EAL
Céline Besson Potts
Teacher of French and EAL
Jake Resuggan
Head of English
Thomas Church
Deputy Head of English Faculty
Kerry Egan
Teacher of English
Jack Cartwright
Teacher of English
Kiera Cody
Teacher of English
Rosie Sisson
Learning Support Teacher & Head of Third Form
David King
Head of Geography, Head of Fourth Form
Don Dewerson
Teacher of Geography
Christina French
Teacher of Geography
Samantha Bowen
Head of History
Ros Fielder
Teacher of History
Sophie Barrett
Teacher of History
Clare Winchester-Snell
Head of Modern Languages, Academic Enrichment Coordinator
Geoffrey Andrews
Teacher of Languages
Stefania Cauli
Teacher of Italian, French & Spanish, IB Coordinator
Honnorine Harbridge
French Language Assistant
Sarah Jones
Teacher of German
Lorna Luo
Teacher of Cantonese and Mandarin
Céline Besson Potts
Teacher of French and EAL
Thomas Weidner
Teacher of German & Spanish, Assistant IB Coordinator
Kathy Nourse
German Language Assistant
Gemma Baeza Rodriguez
Spanish Language Assistant
Learning Support
Kate Young
Head of Learning Support & SENCO
Sarah Bates
SENCO Project Officer
Alison Knapman
Learning Support Teacher
Meg Scott
Learning Support Teacher
Andrea Grist
Ann Caddy
Library Assistant
Helen Stiddard
Library Assistant
Bev Watts
Library Assistant, Boarding Tutor
John Parry
Head of Mathematics
James Baker
Teacher of Mathematics
Andrew Cox
Deputy Head of Mathematics
Sarah Davies
Teacher of Mathematics, Co-curricular Lead - PASS & House
Graham Hartley
Teacher of Mathematics
Muchun Liu
Teacher of Mathematics & Learning Support
Ben Crockatt
Teacher of Mathematics
Lea Mazi Thomas
Teacher of Mathematics
Paul Woolley
Director of Music
Outdoor Learning
Harry Goodrick
Outdoor Learning Coordinator
Peace & Global Studies
Barley Hearn
Peace and Global studies Co-ordinator
Physical Education
Matt Lloyd
Director of Sport
Rosemary Bellinger
Teacher of Physical Education, Head of Fourth Form
Alex Guthrie
Teacher of PE & Head of Upper Fourth
Alex Smith
Teacher of Physical Education
James Vecchio
Teacher of PE and Games, Duty Team Leader
Imogen Mills
Teacher of PE & Games
Eleri Webber
GTA (Sport)
Mike Bancroft
GTA (Sport)
Religion, Ethics & Philosophy
Mark Van De Poll
Head of REP, Peace & Global Studies Education Coordinator
Kate Champion
Head of Science Faculty
Dirki Balaska
Deputy Head of Sixth Form, Teacher of Biology
Tamara Reed
Teacher of Science & Head of Lower Fifth
Jamie Stanfield
Teacher of Chemistry / Resident Deputy Housemistress of SHG
Andy Darvill
Teacher of Physics
James Madelaine
Teacher of Biology
Thomas Holdsworth
Teacher of Physics
Sarah Roberts
Teacher of Psychology
Elisa Bishop
Science Technician
Penny Prideaux
Teacher of Chemistry
Georgie Davies
Senior Science Technician
Gemma Chapman
Head of Design Technology Faculty
Matthew Jarman
Head of Fifth Form and Head of Upper Fifth
Donna Ralph
Teacher of Textiles, Head of Third Form
Thomas Ruddle
Assistant Head (Upper School) / Teacher of D&T
Nicola Corbett
Textiles Technician
Chris Glover
DT and Drama Technician
Maria Stasakova
Food Technology Technician
Huw Meredith
Teacher of Catering and Food Preparation, Deputy Housemaster, Wing
Catherine Dykes
Head of Junior School
Melissa Brown
Assistant Head KS2 & Transition, Teacher of J6
Emma King
Assistant Head (Pastoral), Teacher of J2
Lucy Beardsley
Head of Early Years
Libby Caddy
Teacher of J3
Polly Collin
Teacher of J5
Kerrie Petrie
Teacher of J1
Lisa Townsend
Lead Learning Support Teacher - Junior School
Nicole Haines
Teacher of J6
Claire Green
Teacher of J5
Serena Weston
Teacher of J1
Nicola Havercroft
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Forest School Leader, Boarding Tutor, Environmental Coordinator & Junior Peace & Global Studies Coordinator, Quaker Overseer
Leesa Baker
Teacher of J5
Dawn Drake-Brockman
Classroom Assistant
Pippa Hughes
Classroom Assistant
Susan Marshall
Classroom Assistant
Adele Nothard
Breakfast Club Supervisor & Toddler Group Leader
Eleanor Parker
Classroom Assistant
Sharon Parkman
Teaching Assistant & Minibus Driver
Melanie Teagle
Pre-School Lead/Head of Early Years Holiday Club
Emma Rance
Out of School Care Manager
Sina Hudson
Art Lead
Vikki Hallett
Teacher of J3
Lee Molland
PE & Sport Lead
Georgie Collett
Teacher of J4
Ryan Pietersen
GTA Sport Junior School, Resident Deputy Housemaster of SHB
Anna Hollingworth
Junior School Teaching Assistant and Supply Teacher
Katy Schools
Junior School Teacher
School House Boys (SHB)
Amandine Smilevich
Head of Boarding, Teacher of EAL, Housemistress of SHG and SHB
Rachel Jones
Matron SHB
Ryan Pietersen
GTA Sport Junior School, Resident Deputy Housemaster of SHB
Dzianis Smilevich
Deputy Housemaster, Minibus Driver
Newcombe House
Charlotte Resuggan
Assistant Head (Teaching & Learning), Teacher of Drama, Housemistress Newcombe
Karen Dawkins
Matron (Newcombe House)
Zoe Brocklebank
Graduate Assistant (Newcombe)
Nicola Havercroft
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Forest School Leader, Boarding Tutor, Environmental Coordinator & Junior Peace & Global Studies Coordinator, Quaker Overseer
School House Girls (SHG)
Amandine Smilevich
Head of Boarding, Teacher of EAL, Housemistress of SHG and SHB
Linda White
Matron - SHG
Sarah Genge
Matron - SHG
Jamie Stanfield
Teacher of Chemistry / Resident Deputy Housemistress of SHG
Lexie Raymond
Boarding Tutor SHG
Wing House
James Milne
Head of Year 11 Pathway, Teacher of Business Studies & Economics, Housemaster of Wing
Shelly Smith
Huw Meredith
Teacher of Catering and Food Preparation, Deputy Housemaster, Wing
Dzianis Smilevich
Deputy Housemaster, Minibus Driver
Liz Teixeira
Head of EAL, Boarding Assistant
Alumni and Development
Rachele Snowden
Development and Alumni Officer
Wendy Haslam
Alumni Relationships Officer
Sarah Simms
Director of Marketing and Development
Business Management
Stuart Brewin
Head of Estates and Facilities
Sally Barrow
Timetable & Data Officer
Sarah Kinsman
Senior SIMS Administrator and Safeguarding Administrator
Carolyn Parker
Junior School Secretary
Sharon Parkman
Teaching Assistant & Minibus Driver
Julie Patrick
Lisa Richards
Executive Assistant to Head
Alison Thomas
HR Administrator
Emma Toomer
SIMS Administrator
Kirstin Tringali
Operations Manager
Roxanne Wiles
Junior School Secretary
Katie Kavanagh
James Barber
Exams Officer
Pastoral Support
Chelsea Jefferies
Pastoral Support and Attendance Lead
Sarah Rice
Student Support and Wellbeing Lead
Zoe Aston
Equestrian Centre Manager
Steve Harris
Director of Finance
Natalie Hardy
Finance Assistant
Estelle Hoyle
Finance Assistant
Natasha Sayers
Finance Assistant & Swim School Coordinator
Health Centre Staff
Libby Graham
School Nurse
Jane Appleby
School Nurse
Lynn Fogg
School Nurse
Deborah Newton
Healthcare Practitioner
Catering and Domestic Services
Tania Edmondson
Domestic Services Manager
Richard Cowling
Lead Chef
Wayne Gibson
Deputy Catering & Hospitality Manager
Andy Bright
Maintenance Coordinator
Benjamin Bridgeman
Painter / Maintenance
David Collins
Plumber / Maintenance
Ian Mereweather
Painter / Maintenance
Robert Rogers
Electrician / Maintenance
Dave Sayers
Gardener / Maintenance
Andrew Tong
Carpenter / Maintenance
Marketing & Admissions
Claire Rundle
Head of Admissions
Zuzi Stainer
Admissions Administrator
Ailsa Williams
International Coordinator
Rachael Coates
UK Registrar
Georgie Bower
Digital Marketing Executive
Joy Cheung
Head of International Relations
Minibus Drivers
Helen Butler
Relief Cover Minibus Driver
Marion Carrett
Minibus Driver
Anthony Court
Transport Links Team Leader
Helen Riddell
Minibus Officer/Boarding Tutor
Barrie Houghton
Minibus Driver
Andy Jones
Minibus Driver
Wilson Marshall
Relief Cover Minibus Driver
Mike Norman
Minibus Driver
Sharon Parkman
Teaching Assistant and Minibus Driver
Mark Brookes
Minibus Driver
Cath Brewin
Minibus Driver
Jonathon Hunter
Minibus Driver
Mike Martin
Minibus Driver
Kevin Parkman
Minibus Driver
Andy Butler
Relief Minibus Driver
Dzianis Smilevich
Deputy Housemaster, Minibus Driver
Justin Andrews
Minibus Driver
Outdoor Learning
Steph Tidey
Outdoor Learning Coordinator / DofE Manager / Lower Fourth PASS Coordinator
Harry Goodrick
Outdoor Learning Coordinator
Sports Centre
Ben Kettleborough
Sports Centre Manager
Jack Smallwood
Sports Centre Deputy Manager
Natasha Sayers
Finance Assistant & Swim School Coordinator
Holly Baldwin
Sport Centre Supervisor
Jameson Miller
Chair of Governors
Andrew Flint
Simon Linnitt
Terry McMaster
Alan Teece
Peter Openshaw
Richard Shepherd