From the Art Department - April 2016

From the Art Department

Week ending Friday 15 April 2016



After 12 years sterling service we shall be saying goodbye to Joann Millar at the end of this term. She has been offered the Head of Art position at Cheltenham College, a real feather in her cap! We shall miss her greatly, and sincerely thank her on behalf of both department, the student teachers that she has looked after over the years, and all the students that she has taught, past and present.

Jo will be very hard to replace – so if you have any contact with talented 3D specialists, please let them know that the advertisement is currently on the school website. In my (unbiased) opinion, I believe that we have the best facilities in the country! The photograph of Jo below was taken in a New York diner during the recent Sixth form Art trip that Jo organised.

Over this week and last we have hosted a visitor from South Africa. Vusi is interested in Drama and Music, and is a drummer, and keen on Games. He has been based in the Arts Faculty, but has been observing a variety of lessons across the school. He is going on from us to continue with his work experience in a Bristol school, before returning to South Africa with the intention of training as a teacher.


All the GCSE examination work is now in, and Fifth Form students have until Monday May 9 to add extra work to their coursework portfolios.


A2 students are all at work on their controlled test, which culminates in a three day examination on May 11, 12, and 13.


Ross Wallis
Head of Creative Arts