By Sophia, Year 12
The ASPIRE group is a programme designed to stretch and challenge the top-performing students at Sidcot by providing us with academic and enrichment opportunities outside of our lessons. On 5 March 2025, as part of this programme, I was fortunate to attend a trip to Oxford University. We attended the ‘Thriving Minds Senior Conference’ hosted by the University, experiencing compelling and innovative lectures, followed by a tour of Merton College.
Complexities of Quantum Mechanics
Our first lecture was written by Professor Mark Harris, a distinguished physicist, on the complexities of quantum mechanics. It was presented by Julie Arliss the Head of Academy Conferences. The talk explored some of the most puzzling and thought-provoking aspects of quantum theory, shedding light on how it challenges our understanding of reality, consciousness, and even philosophical thought.
The lecture began by referencing the Greek philosopher Democritus, who first proposed that everything is made of indivisible particles called atoms (“a-tomos”, meaning uncuttable). He then introduced the modern atomic model, drawing on the work of Niels Bohr. One of the most striking facts he shared was that 99.999% of ordinary matter is empty space, meaning that if all the empty space were removed from our bodies, the entire human race could theoretically fit inside a sugar cube.
A key theme of the lecture was quantum duality—the idea that particles, such as photons, can behave both as waves and as particles. This was famously debated at universities, with Bohr proposing that a photon does not definitively exist as one or the other until it is observed. The famous double-slit experiment demonstrated this: when electrons are fired through two slits, they produce an interference pattern, proving their wave-like nature. However, when observed, the wave collapses, and the electron behaves like a particle. This concept is central to the Copenhagen Interpretation, which suggests that observation is crucial in determining reality—without an observer, particles exist only as waves of potential.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle was also discussed, which states that it is impossible to precisely measure both the position and momentum of a quantum particle simultaneously. This unpredictability is paradoxically predictable—scientists can determine the probability of an outcome but not its certainty. Schrödinger’s famous thought experiment involving a cat in a box with a 50/50 chance of being poisoned illustrated this principle: until the box is opened, the cat is both alive and dead simultaneously.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the lecture was the discussion of quantum entanglement — when two particles, no matter how far apart, remain connected in such a way that the state of one instantly influences the state of the other. This phenomenon has led to speculation about pseudotelepathy and interconnected consciousness. We were taught about Rupert Sheldrake’s controversial ideas about telepathic detection, such as the way one partner might sense infidelity or how identical twins may exhibit shared sensory experiences. He also referenced an experiment in which one twin, exposed to a flashing light, caused neural activity in the other twin’s visual cortex despite being in a separate location.
Additionally, the Global Consciousness Project was introduced, suggesting that random number generators become less random during major world events, implying a collective human influence on physical systems. This idea connects to the Many-Worlds Interpretation proposed by Hugh Everett, which suggests that every quantum decision spawns a new universe, meaning infinite parallel realities exist.
The lecture was an eye-opening exploration of quantum mechanics and its implications beyond physics. It challenged conventional notions of reality and raised fascinating questions about the role of observation, consciousness, and interconnectedness in the universe. The ability to break down such complex ideas in an engaging way made this session particularly thought-provoking and inspiring.
Oxbridge Interview Question
The next lecture was a thought-provoking lecture by Julie Arliss on Oxbridge interview questions and the importance of critical thinking. She explained that these interviews are designed to test a candidate’s ability to think independently, absorb new information quickly, and apply reasoning to unfamiliar topics. Rather than just memorizing facts, universities want students who can engage with ideas in an original and analytical way. One of the example questions discussed was:
“Tell me about a light bulb.”
At first, this may seem like a simple question, but it can lead to a wide-ranging discussion across multiple disciplines.
From a historical perspective, the light bulb was a groundbreaking invention that transformed society by improving safety, extending productive hours, and reducing reliance on whale oil for lamps. Before electric lighting, whale oil was a major source of fuel, leading to large-scale hunting of whales, particularly sperm whales. With the invention of the light bulb, the demand for whale oil declined, helping whale populations recover. This was particularly interesting to me, as I am looking to study veterinary medicine, and it demonstrated how even a question that appears rooted in physics can be connected to biology, conservation, and animal welfare. It was fascinating to see how technological advancements in one field can have major ecological consequences.
From a geographical perspective, the distribution of artificial light can reveal patterns of human development. For example, North Korea remains largely dark at night due to political and economic factors, while Australia has vast unlit areas due to its low population density in the central regions. Light pollution is another important issue, as excessive artificial light disrupts ecosystems and limits our ability to see the night sky.
From a scientific perspective, light is essential for life. In biology, plants rely on it for photosynthesis, and in human biology, our bodies have evolved under natural light cycles. The lecture explored the circadian rhythm, our internal body clock, which is regulated by light exposure. Artificial lighting — especially the blue light from screens — can interfere with sleep patterns by disrupting these natural cycles.
Beyond science, light has significant cultural and artistic meanings. The phrase “light bulb moment” symbolizes sudden inspiration, while paintings such as Holman Hunt’s work at Oxford depict light as a guiding force. Even language plays with the idea of light in different ways, such as the contrast between a light bulb and a heavy bulb (as in plant bulbs). Make jokes, they advised, if you are stuck!
This lecture demonstrated how a seemingly simple question can open up a deep and interdisciplinary discussion. I found it particularly valuable as it showed how different subjects connect and how I can apply broader thinking to my own studies in veterinary medicine.
Psychology of Unconscious Bias
Our next lecture was an eye-opening experience on 'The Psychology of Unconscious Negative & Positive Biases'. The session explored how our brains are wired to focus more on negative experiences than positive ones, an effect known as the “power of bad”. It explained that one bad experience can overshadow multiple good ones and that our attention is naturally drawn to threats.
This is a survival mechanism: in order to stay alive, we need to recognize and react to dangers quickly. A striking quote from the talk was, “Life has to win every single day; death has to win only once”. This idea explains why bad impressions last longer and why, for example, a single negative event in a relationship or workplace can have a disproportionately strong impact.
The speaker, Dr Christopher O’Neill, shared fascinating research demonstrating this bias in different areas of life. Studies have shown that first impressions form within 90 seconds, and managers often decide whether to hire someone in that short time. In relationships, a 5:1 ratio of positive to negative experiences is necessary for long-term success—something psychologist John Gottman uses to predict the likelihood of a marriage surviving with 95% accuracy. The workplace is another example, where just one negative individual — a “jerk” who undermines others, a “slacker” who doesn’t contribute, or a “downer” who spreads negativity — can reduce overall team performance. Even our beliefs influence our behavior; for instance, people who believe in a punishing god (such as hell) are statistically less likely to cheat or commit crimes. One of the most memorable experiments discussed was how a completely sterilized cockroach placed on ice cream made people refuse to eat it, proof of how deeply ingrained our aversion to contamination is, even when logic says it’s harmless.
Despite this natural bias towards negativity, the talk also highlighted ways to counteract it. Techniques such as focusing on positive memories, practising nostalgia, and recognizing post-traumatic growth — the personal development that comes after overcoming hardship — can help shift our perspective. Interestingly, research suggests that happiness follows a U-shaped curve across life, with middle-aged adults being the least happy but improving as they grow older. The session concluded on a hopeful note: while bad may be stronger than good in the short term, understanding this bias allows us to consciously counteract it and shape our thoughts for a more positive outlook.
Overall, this talk was incredibly engaging and thought-provoking. It was fascinating to see how deeply negative bias is embedded in human psychology and how it influences everything from personal relationships to workplace dynamics. The research presented was compelling, and the strategies for overcoming negativity were practical and insightful. Attending this session gave me a greater awareness of my own thought patterns and the importance of balancing negativity with intentional positivity.
Lecture on Shakespeare: Hungers & Appetites
Mike Grenier then delivered a fascinating talk which explored how Shakespeare’s works reflect the ancient humoral theory, a belief that emotional and physical health is governed by four bodily fluids. Each humour was thought to correspond to a particular temperament: black bile was linked to melancholy and deep sensitivity, phlegm to apathy and a lack of drive, blood to optimism and sociability, and yellow bile to anger and aggression. Shakespeare’s characters embody these traits, making his plays not just literary masterpieces but also profound studies of human psychology.
One of the most striking examples discussed was Hamlet, whose melancholia, influenced by black bile, drives him toward deep introspection and, ultimately, tragedy. His character aligns with modern understandings of depression, demonstrating how Shakespeare’s insights into human nature remain relevant today. In contrast, Sir John Falstaff represents the opposite extreme—embracing pleasure, indulgence, and laughter, embodying a sanguine temperament. Through these characters, Shakespeare explores the tension between duty and pleasure, a dilemma especially significant for kings and leaders. The idea of the body politic — where a well-balanced leader ensures the nation thrives, just as balance within the body promotes health — further highlights how these concepts extend beyond the individual to society as a whole.
The talk was a thought-provoking blend of literature, history, and psychology. It made Shakespeare’s work feel more relevant by connecting his characters to real-world emotions and struggles. The discussion on balancing different humours in both personal well-being and leadership was particularly insightful. By examining these themes, the session not only deepened my appreciation of Shakespeare but also provided valuable reflections on human nature and emotional balance.
At the Thriving Minds conference, I had the opportunity to witness a fascinating debate on veganism, exploring whether it is truly an ethical movement or just a passing trend. The discussion delved into whether veganism is primarily about animal welfare or if it has become more of a social phenomenon, popularised by celebrities and influencers. Some argued that the rise of plant-based diets is fueled by genuine concerns for health and sustainability, while others questioned whether social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have turned it into more of a lifestyle statement than a moral stance.
The debate encouraged critical thinking, pushing us to examine not only our own views but also the broader societal influences shaping our decisions. It was an engaging and thought-provoking discussion that highlighted just how complex the issue of veganism really is.
I also got the opportunity to represent the School in the debate and share my view on this matter. I volunteered since I have been a practicing vegetarian for 6 years and am striving to go vegan. I would also like to think of myself as an advocate for animals' voices. I questioned, where do people draw the line between animals that are companions and ones that are food? I also shared some facts about cows to show they’re not as different from humans as we think!
Tour Around Merton College
To finish this inspiring day, we then went on a tour of Merton College at Oxford, which was absolutely stunning with its historic architecture and peaceful courtyards creating a truly inspiring atmosphere. Walking through the college, we saw students who were studying there, giving us a glimpse into daily life at one of the world’s most prestigious universities. One of the most fascinating details was the rowing victories proudly displayed on the walls, marking years of achievement and tradition. The chapels and churches around the college were breathtaking, with intricate stained-glass windows and grand stonework that added to the sense of history and academic excellence. The entire setting felt like stepping into a world where learning and tradition come together in the most beautiful way.
We also went to the place where they filmed the wedding scene in Queen Charlotte - A Bridgerton Story…
Overall this was an incredible experience and I am incredibly grateful for Ms Pike and Ms Winchester-Snell for making it happen and for always encouraging us to aim to our fullest potential.