Balloons travel 100 miles away!

Balloon Travel

In February, students took part in various activities to mark Random Act of Kindess Week. One of them was to launch biodegradable balloons into the skies above Winscombe. It was at the time of Storm Imogen, so the gusts of wind were quite fierce! Each bunch of balloons had kind messages written on them in the hope to brighten the day of whoever may find them. 

During the Easter holidays we received the following email from a lady called Rhianne Seaton who lives 100 miles away in Burghfield!

"Walking my dog, these balloons caught my eye in a bush. I saw that they had messages on so I fought through thorn bushes with a very long stick and finally got it! I must have looked funny! The message made my day – such a lovely thing to do! The message read: You're cool, You're kind – I hope you achieve your dreams."

The balloons flew all the way to Burghfield, Reading, Berkshire.

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