Duke of Edinburgh Gold Expedition 2016

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Expedition

Congratulations to the ten Upper Sixth students who completed the Gold assessed expedition in the Brecon Beacons last weekend. They all coped very well with the demanding four-day route, which crossed the high mountains covering a distance of 50 miles with around 10,000 feet of ascent and descent which was often most testing as legs and knees became tired.

The students carried all of their camping gear plus food and water and navigate independently with very loose supervision from staff. Campsites were at farms with basic facilities and certainly no showers. The weather made the task more testing particularly on the first day when driving rain and mist made navigation through the featureless moorland challenging.

The supervising staff were greatly impressed by the resilience and determination shown by the students and the way they supported each other remaining positive and cheerful when it would have been easy to become discouraged.

Hopefully they will all go on to complete the Gold award, they will certainly have earned it.

Jim Scott
DofE Manager