Festival of Chemistry

Festival of Chemistry

A team of four keen scientists took part in the Salters' Festival of Chemistry at Bristol University on Friday 13 May. The team consisted of Year 8 pupils Lucy Zeeman, Sarah Carr, Will Lloyd and Matthew French. The day began with a thorough safety demonstration before the team were led to the laboratories to test their skills. A forensic science challenge was presented and the team used various techniques including chromatography to solve the crime. After lunch, the team took part in another challenge involving making an iodine clock which they also enjoyed. The afternoon lecture demonstration was particularly exciting with various experiments involving dry ice, liquid nitrogen and exploding hydrogen balloons. One hydrogen balloon exploded so powerfully that the lampshade of the lecture theatre fell to the floor, further fuelling the excitement! Unfortunately the team did not come away with any prizes but had a fun, interesting and worthwhile day of Chemistry.

Anneka Reebye
Teacher of Science