Introducing new staff at Sidcot – Spring Term 2017
Tom Ruddle
Head of Technology Faculty
From dismantling, anything I could find as a child, engines to VHS recorders, I’m the kind of person who has to know how things work. Design Technology for me, is the perfect combination of creativity, knowledge and problem solving which, as a subject constantly enables students to express themselves through tangible outcomes. It seemed to fit with me so well, I applied to train as a DT teacher at the College of St. Mark and St. John in Plymouth and haven’t looked back since. My professional journey has led me to work in a number of schools in Wiltshire and Somerset, including another boarding school in Bruton. I have held posts in pastoral leadership, but am very much looking forward to leading the fantastic team in the Design Technology Faculty.
The pace of technological change is faster than it has ever been. This constantly evolving world is exciting and provides us with so many opportunities to do things more effectively, be kinder to the environment, go places we have never been before and solve some of humanities problems and challenges. This is the world our young people step into when they leave our Sixth Form. It’s a pleasure to be able to equip students with the skills to be able to thrive in a twenty first century society.
Before visiting Sidcot I had never been to a Quaker school, but the ethos and values align very much with my own. Taking time out of our busy school day on a Friday to sit quietly and reflect is a jewel in Sidcot’s crown which I have found to be uniquely refreshing.
Clair Curtis-Dyke
Teacher of Geography
I have been teaching since 2005, the majority of which was in a very large secondary school in Dorchester. I held various roles whilst I was there but at the time of leaving to have my children I was the ‘Second in Department’ with the responsibility of raising attainment particularly with students who were on the D/C and A/A* grade boundaries.
I have also marked exams for both OCR and AQA for a number of years and therefore have a secure grasp of what is required of students to achieve the top grades.
Consequently, I like to run sessions with exam classes on ‘Exam Technique’ as this is just as important as the knowledge itself.
I am a passionate Geographer and try to make my lessons as engaging as possible by using a range of activities from using tea cakes to teach about the structure of the earth to making earthquake proof buildings. I am really looking forward to teaching the students at Sidcot as I have noticed a real eagerness to learn and great enthusiasm to embrace all of the activities.
Rosie Andrew
Head of Careers & Higher Education
My background is in the careers and employability sector and I have worked in schools, colleges and a university careers service previously. This is new dedicated post at Sidcot and builds on the work already established by Sarah Smith and Charlotte House in the co-ordiation of UCAS / Higher Education, Careers and Work Experience. Students in the Fifth Form will continue to access careers education and support through careers lessons, events, preparation for work experience as well as one-to-one advice. Similarly, sixth formers can access careers and higher education advice through PHSE, events, talks, visits and one-to-one tutor support. I plan to extend this provision over time through improved online student resources, student profiling activities, information about alternative options and pathways, as well as greater engagement with employers and education providers.
Students: If you would like to arrange an appointment to discuss your own career or higher education plans, please do get in touch. Sixth formers (U6 especially): If you need help with UCAS offers and replies, preparation for higher education interviews, gap year options, international applications, student finance, etc., again do get in touch. My office is next to the Sixth Form common rooms (next to the Refectory) or you can email me: rosemary.andrew@sidcot.org.uk