We were lucky enough to be one of a small group of schools who received NASA moon rock from the Science and Technology Facilities Council on loan for a short period, to show our students.
Our packages contained:
- Rock and soil samples taken from the Apollo moon landings 1969-72
- Various meteorites including magnifying glasses, microscopes and magentoprobes
Students in both the Junior and Senior Schools were able to view, touch and discuss the various rocks, to add context to their learning about the Solar System.
Jemima, Year 7 said, "In Year 7, we have been learning about space and the solar system. Last week we learned about asteroids and meteoroids. This week we were lucky to see some samples of rocks and soil from the moon and also meteorites, including a piece that came from Mars!
"I liked looking at the Basalt that came from the moon and was amazed that it had travelled so far to get here and the astronauts needed to travel there to collect it. One of my friends in the class said “wow this is the oldest thing I have ever held!”. This was an amazing opportunity and I’m still shocked that I have been able to see these samples!"