Ningbo Huamao International School Exchange

Ningbo Huamao International School Exchange

Jessica and Kai are visiting Sidcot on exchange from Ningbo, China. They have joined the Upper Fifth and will be staying with us until the end of this term. Jessica is actually from Korea originally but Kai is from the Ningbo area. Whilst here, Jessica and Kai will take part in all parts of Sidcot life from games to meeting for worship and they’ll also have the opportunity to go on various weekend trips.

We began this exchange a year ago when we received a student called Josie into the Sixth Form from Ningbo for almost a term. Josie made a great contribution to Sidcot during her stay and as a result we decided to take three Sidcot students over to Ningbo in June of last year. The exchange was a great success and our Sidcot students really benefited from the experience of actually living in China from a cultural point of view. 

We will be offering the Ningbo exchange to Sidcot students for the autumn term of 2016. This will apply to students in the Lower Sixth (current Upper Fifth) at that time. Details on how to apply for the exchange to Ningbo will be published early in the summer term and we’ll have an assembly here at school with more information.

If you have any queries in the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Dave McDonagh
Ningbo Exchange Co-ordinator