Sidcot Golf Day

Sidcot Golf Day

Saturday 17 September

The golfing gods were once again kind to us. As the beautiful Burnham and Berrow links were bathed in glorious sunshine with very little of the famous Burnham Breeze to test the players. This lifted the spirits even further of an already jovial field of players.  A good time was had by all and the scoring was fantastic with many of the pairs scoring 20 points or more for nine holes.

Best Pupil was won by Henry Hawkins, scoring an excellent 23 points. Henry's dad, Simon, won Best Adult with the same score. Together they won Best Pair by a point from Justin and Dan Witherall. Longest Drive was won by Cameron Wride in his first ever round of golf, an outstanding achievement. Justin Witherall won Nearest To The Pin on the 8th hole, hitting a lovely shot to 10 feet.

Many thanks to all those who took part to make this such a great day. See you all again next year.

Alex Smith
PE Faculty