Sports Day 2018

Sports Day 2018

Wednesday20th June

This year's Sports Day came and went with a new format on trial. With the aim of encouraging even more activity from more students for the whole day. We were all very pleased with the outcome as were the parents who attended the day. Both Morning and afternoon sessions held no less than 7 different sports and activities some of which were fiercely competitive while others provided an opportunity to have a go and enjoy a new sport. 

It was great that Andrew Cox from the Maths Faculty, an ex- England player lead Ultimate Frisbee. Claire Winchester-Snell, Head of Modern Languages, led the tennis competition and our two Tennis Academy coaches ran a fun tennis session for other students. Jon William from Cheddar Volleyball Club ran volleyball coaching sessions. The students were provided with a feast of sport for the entire day.

The Track and Field athletics still took pride of place and the performances throughout the day were very inspiring. Seeing the majority of the school help Tianna Gould finish the 1500m was a real highlight for me.

The rain did not dampen spirits and the schedule went ahead without a hitch! We were very pleased to celebrate with the winners at the end of the day.

A massive thank you to the PE Team, the ground staff, Maintenance and Housekeeping teams for coming together to contribute, making the day such a success.

Of course the final word must go to Mary Dowds, who retires at the end of the year and has been the lynch-pin for all sports days' and swimming galas over the last few years. We are all sad that she is going but we are hoping she will be back next year.

Matt Lloyd and the PE Team

More photos available on our Facebook page.