Sports Reports W/E Friday 18 March

Sports Reports

Click here for a report of the term

1st VII and U15VII Netball Tour – Barnstable (North Devon): Friday 11th March – Saturday 12th March

With great excitement and enthusiasm two minibuses full of eager netballers headed off down the M5, towards the North Devon Atlantic Highway, for this inaugural tour to Barnstable. Newly established links between West Buckland School and SIdcot School made this all possible. 

After arriving and settling in to their Premier Inn rooms the girls then headed off to the bowling alley to pitch their skills against Miss B and Mrs Taylor. Thank goodness Miss B was able to uphold the PE’s standing, as Mrs Taylor could not hit a thing and whose bowling ball spent more time in the gully than knocking down pins!! (It was an off day!) 

Back at the Premier Inn and sitting around a big table with both teams at supper created a lovely atmosphere, which set the scene for the rest of the weekend. After a very hearty breakfast (Can those girls eat???) the buses set off up some incredibly narrow Devon lanes to the village of West Buckland and the School beyond. 

West Buckland were also hosting Mount Kelly School from Tavistock, so a triangular tournament had been organised to accommodate all three schools. Games against Mount Kelly were played first and involved both the 1st VII and U15’s. Evenly matched, the Sidcot teams were in contention right up to the final quarter. The U 15’s was a very exciting encounter with goals alternating right up to the end, finishing in a well-deserved 19 – 19 draw. Sadly the 1st VII lost out to some sublime shooting from Mount Kelly in the final quarter to lose eventually 7 – 14.

Now quite tired, both teams had to then face even sterner opposition in West Buckland and although they gave a very good account of themselves, they could not quite match the speed and intensity of their quality opponents, losing out 13 – 20 (1st VII) and 11- 20 (U15VII). 

When all formalities were over, the girls descended to the beach for a fun game of rounders.  With the sun finally setting the buses then headed home to the gentle sound of ZZZZZ in the back.

Many thanks to all the girls for their company and efforts in making this a very enjoyable and successful tour.   


Sue Taylor 
Physical Education Faculty


Sidcot Girls U18 XV vs Wellington RFC, Sunday 13 March 

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, Sidcot's girls headed down to Wellington Rugby Football Club for a fine display of fast flowing rugby. The first 10 minutes were very much Sidcot's own. The girls dominated possession and showed excellent skills at the breakdown, distributing the ball extremely well. The rest of the first half saw Sidcot on the defensive, but looking strong and not giving away many penalties. Unfortunately, the rest of the first half saw relentless hard running lines and half breaks from Wellington's talented back line. Although strong in defence, a few missed tackles gifted wellington three tries before the half time whistle. The girls gathered together and found a second wind, Sidcot started to take control again before scoring a beautiful try in the corner. Unfortunately, the end result was not in Sidcot's favour; with Wellington RFC taking the win. WRFC were great hosts, we look forward to more games in the future. A great day was had by all, a very enjoyable afternoon facilitated by a fantastic rugby club.

Benjamin Burkes , Physical Education Faculty


Girls Under 14 North Somerset Hockey ‘B’ Tournament at Broadoak School - Wednesday 9 March 

This was a super afternoon in terms of weather – but much more importantly standard of performance from these girls. They have been improving and progressing really well over the course of the term and both the Upper Fourth and Lower Fourth girls involved played with real determination and spirit. The tournament was the culmination of their season.
Two full matches were played.
The first, against Broadoak was a super game. Both teams played well and had good attacking opportunities but Sidcot proved the slightly stronger with both more robust tackling, but also better ball distribution. It resulted in a well-deserved victory for our girls.
The second game saw the much stiffer opposition of St Katherines School who proved a little better in each department and Sidcot were under significant pressure for large portions of the game. This did not dampen their efforts, however, and great endeavor prevailed through to the end. Victory fell to St Katherines in this encounter.
All the girls should be congratulated for their fine performances and efforts. It was fabulous to see them play so well.


Rosie Bellinger
Physical Education Faculty

Girls Under 13 Hockey v Backwell School (H) Tuesday 8th March: Sidcot 9 – Backwell 0

This was a highly competent and decisive performance from this squad who proved much too strong for Backwell. Freya King completely dominated the midfield and had really good vision when distributing the ball which allowed the forwards freedom to roam. 
On occasions when Backwell did break through our defence held strong and when Frankie Harrill in the Sidcot goal was troubled, she repelled the ball confidently. 
The second half saw similar spirit and further good possession and penetrating attack. Freya King continued to play with great aplomb and really stamped her mark on the game. She scored herself, but also set up good opportunities for the attackers.

A good final result from a team still unbeaten on our new home pitch – what a shame that the Under 13 tournament is after the culmination of our term – the girls have had a really good run of results this season.

Player of the Match – Maisy Hann.

Rosie Bellinger
Physical Education Faculty


Girls Under 12 VII Hockey v Backwell School (H) Tuesday 8th March - Sidcot 1 Backwell 0

Another enthusiastically and positively approached game by this squad – who have remained  unbeaten at home this season.
In what proved to be an evenly matched game, both sides created good chances and both used the space effectively.
Our girls worked the substitutions very well and all played in a variety of different positions and so are beginning to gain a good understanding of the different roles in the game.
The goal was a well taken shot which showed good composure from Mia Hann in the first half and although there were further good attacks no further chances were converted.
A good, solid team performance.

Well done to all.

Rosie Bellinger
Physical Education Faculty


Year 7 North Somerset Hockey Tournament. Priory School – Wednesday 16th March

A sunny yet cold March afternoon set the scene for this tournament. The squad of girls were very keen and eager to get started. There was lots of hockey to play and there was a good big squad of players to play throughout the afternoon.

And what a fabulous afternoon it was. There were some fabulous performances from all – and some super results that saw the girls go through as top of their group! Brilliant!

Next came the semi-final, a very tightly contested affair against Churchill. Entirely nail-biting – but a narrow win for Sidcot.

And so to the final where Backwell were the opposition. In another very tightly fought game, both teams had chances but neither could convert. Eventually, with just 3 minutes to go, Ana De La Torre threaded a ball through the Backwell defence that found Lily Barker-Wyatt who slotted home. Victory!

Absolutely super – the girls should be proud of their performances throughout the afternoon – and of their enthusiastic and positive spirit and good sportsmanship throughout – nobody’s cheers were as loud as those of Sidcot, or handshakes so firm!

A very well done to all the squad.

Rosie Bellinger
Physical Education Faculty


Weston & District Netball v Royals Ignited, Wednesday 16 March:  Sidcot 28 - 16 Royals

On the final match of the season Sidcot earned an impressive victory over a team, which in their previous encounter, ran them to within just one goal. During the early exchanges both teams shared the goals playing some intense and high speed netball up and down the court.
However, after a quick break at quarter time and a few positional changes, Sidcot started to pull away, helped by improved movement in the attacking circle and consistency in their shooting. 

Now leading comfortably, the home team settled into a far more systematic pattern of play, which enabled them to dominate throughout the remainder of the game. Emma Patch maintained good pressure on her opponent to cause many turn overs in the centre third and with Mati Grove finding great space in and around the attacking third, this also created an increasing amount of opportunities for efficient and decisive feeding into the Sidcot shooters.  

Jade Corbett, hot footed from singing in the school concert, played the last quarter and contributed exceptionally well in her role as WA. Sadly for her and quite a few of the team, this was their final appearance in Sidcot colours, as they move on to other Educational establishments. Hopefully they can all look back on what has been a very enjoyable and successful season when they take their netball talents to new and exciting places. Their contributions both on and off the court have been immense and they certainly will all be greatly missed. 

Thank you for all your efforts and terrific company. Good luck in the future and keep playing netball!!       

Player of the match:- Maddy Hann 

Sue Taylor, Physical Education Faculty


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