Sports Reports W/E Friday 23 September

Sports Reports W/E Friday 23 September

Girls' Weston & District Netball v Vixens, Wednesday 21 September: Sidcot 50 – 8 Vixens

Our senior Weston and District netball team got off to a flying start to the 2016 season, with a convincing and emphatic win over Vixens. Having lost several key players to College and University, the team is once again in a period of much transition, but the ten girls who took to the court immediately seemed to gel and played with terrific understanding and unity.  

The squad were ably led by Charlotte Dolman as captain, who showed that she had lost none of her dominance in and around the shooting circle to begin the flurry of goals which continued relentlessly throughout the game. She was initially assisted by Maddy Hann, whose accurate shooting and movement also ensured the goals kept coming, although new players, Anouska Long and Millie Ashdown, were equally effective during their time on court. 
Previous squad members Mati Grove, Sydney Drury and Zoe Mercer, acted as great role models, showing terrific composure and authority in their respective positions. Their experience will prove invaluable to the other girls new to the team and hopefully this will serve as an example of just what can be achieved with great team work.

Other new players included Frida Cardale, Fatou Tounkara and Vivian Chan, all of whom contributed positively to the final outcome. They all played with great assurance and awareness to keep possession for Sidcot, as well as work tenaciously in defence to regain lost ball.

Despite the opposition perhaps not being one of the strongest teams in this division, it was the manner of Sidcot’s win and style of play from all concerned which was both hugely exciting and impressive to watch. A fantastic start to the season, well done!     

Player of the match: Frida Cardale

Sue Taylor
Physical Education Faculty

Boys’ U12 Rugby v St Katherine’s School, Wednesday 21 September: Sidcot 30 – 25 St Kath’s

Sidcot’s Under 12s entertained a strong squad from St Katherine’s School for their first game of the season. Sidcot got off to a strong start in what proved to be an enthralling encounter, and their excellent running rugby was soon rewarded with a try from the superb Theo Parker-Mills. Sidcot’s good start continued and their second try soon followed. Having shown outstanding work in defence, Alistair Kerr-Smiley picked up the loose ball and left the St Katherine players for dead, running from the halfway line to score.  

Despite finding themselves behind St Kath's came fighting back and soon had the scores level. Although Sidcot had lost some of their early momentum, the boys continued to work well and their efforts were again rewarded with a try from Guy Owen after another outstanding exhibition of running rugby. Again St Kath's came back, scoring another try and the game reached halftime all square.

The unrelenting pace continued into the second half, however it was St Kath's who made the stronger start with an early score. Sidcot came bouncing back with Will Sandiford going over after some unbelievable individual brilliance. With time running out, both teams exchanged scores and the game entered the last 5 minutes 25-all.

With both teams creating chances, it was man of the match Theo Parker-Mills who scored the decisive try. Picking up the ball on the 22-meter line, there seemed little danger for St Kath's. Theo had different ideas however, cutting his way through the defence like a knife through butter. Despite some late pressure, Sidcot held on for a deserved victory.

Congratulations to all those involved on what was a fantastic opening game of the season.

Man of the Match: Theo Parker-Mills

Rob Moore
Physical Education Faculty

Boys' U15/16 Rugby v St Katherine's School, Wednesday 21 September: Sidcot 23 – 27 St. Kath's

Wednesday afternoon Sidcot U15/16s hosted a strong St. Katharine's side. St Kath's went out and scored two quick tries in just under five minutes. The scoring then slowed for St Kath's and Sidcot replied with a try from Jamie miles. Sidcot went into half time trailing by only one try. St Kath's came out all guns blazing; Sidcot matched them tackle for tackle, which was an excellent half of rugby. St Kath's scored two tries which was matched by sidcot, with Oscar Browne getting his hat-trick.

Man of the match: Spencer Coles

Oscar Browne
Assistant Coach