Sports Reports – Week Ending Friday 27 January

Sports Reports – Week Ending Friday 27 January

Congratulations to U15 Rugby Player

Lower Fifth student Billy Lindsay (above) captained the county last weekend for a tough game against Dorset and Wiltshire. Saturday 20 January. Congratulations to him!

Avon Schools Cross Country Championships at Ashton Park School, Saturday 21 January

Sidcot had ten students representing North Somerset in five different age categories at the Avon school’s championships on Saturday. These students had all qualified to represent North Somerset in Weston in November and were competing with the possibility of being able to be selected to represent Avon in the South West Championships.

It was very frosty under foot which made the conditions quite treacherous in places. All students showed great determination and resilience in their performances. They were all running in races with approximately 40 students which increased the challenge at the start when everyone set off at a fast pace together. It was nice to see all of them running hard right to the end and often passing people just before the finish line.

The participants

  • Minor Girls: Isabelle Hoddell, Minor Boys James Wroath and Guy Owen
  • Junior Girls: Sarah Carr, Ruby Owen, Freya King, Junior Boys Oliver Chatting Tom Loader
  • Inter Girls: Indeigh Winterson and Imogen Moroney

James Wroath, Oliver Chatting, and Tom Loader all finished in the top ten so are waiting to see if they will be selected to represent Avon at the South West Championships in Truro.

Imogen Moroney came second in her race so has automatically qualified.

Congratulations must go to all these students, for they provided a great spectacle for their wrapped-up parents and supporters who were cheering them on.

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

1st Vll Netball v Stonar School, Saturday 21 January: Sidcot 8 – 22 Stonar

The journey over the Mendip hills to Melksham on an extremely cold morning, with the sun illuminating the early morning frost, was truly magical. Arriving at Stonar school the decision was made for us to play all three games inside, which unfortunately limited the amount of playing time.
Taking to the court first, the senior team looked resplendent in their Sidcot school logoed dresses and quickly established good rhythm in their passing. Stonar were more than equal to the task and during the first quarter the game looked finely balanced, with both teams maintaining good periods of possession. However, pressure and physicality from the opposition eventually took its toll, especially on the Sidcot shooters, who sadly then struggled for consistently under the posts, despite their best efforts.

Vivian Chan and Sydney Drury were put under similar pressure in the Sidcot defending circle, but they both worked tirelessly to restrict the number of opportunities available to the Stonar GS and GA.

The final score line in no reflects the ease of victory for Stonar, who were stretched all the way by some very impressive netball from the Sidcot girls. Unfortunately home advantage possibly made the difference on this occasion, but the girls should feel extremely pleased with such a positive and determined performance. It was a pleasure to watch.

Player of the match: Fatou Tounkara

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U15 netball v Stonar School, Saturday 21 January: Sidcot 12 – 4 Stonar

This was a confident and competent performance from these girls. They worked very well for each other, creating space and good movement down the court when in possession.

There was accurate passing and super linking play and Sidcot gained the upper hand early in the game and never relinquished it! Both tall and short strived hard and when defending worked relentlessly to regain possession.

The result reflects the teamwork and diligence of the team and is a well-deserved victory and one on which we can build through this short, yet busy, season.

Player of the match: Gretel Havercroft

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

U13/14 Netball v Stonar School Saturday 21st January Sidcot 4 – 16 Stonar

This was a highly determined and feisty performance. The girls worked really hard against a strong and well organised team. Their endeavour was faultless – any loose ball was chased down and all efforts were made to intercept passes and gain possession. Some of the ‘ball marking’ was superb, with real extension and explosive strength being displayed in effort to win the ball.

A super team performance and a pleasure to watch due to the dynamism and energy!

Well done to all.

Player of the match: Erin Crofts

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

Weston & District Netball v Royals Ignited, Wednesday 25 January: Sidcot 33 – 36 Royals

The standard of netball displayed by these two closely matched teams was truly phenomenal. It was fast paced, competitive, skilful and extremely exciting to watch. In their previous meeting, earlier in the season, Sidcot managed to sneak the win by a three goal margin and interestingly, it was the same difference this time, except in Royals favour.

Both teams took great care of the ball when in possession and were especially patient in their build up play in and around the attacking circles. The tight marking and physical presence of the Royals defenders initially caused Sidcot problems, but once Maddy Hann, Anouska Long and Charlotte Dolman began to exploit the spaces outside the circle edge, their quick movement, timing and determined driving back in towards the net soon provided them with much more of the ball from the hands of Mati Grove and Frida Cardale. Their precise and varied feeds were just too good for the Royals defence and with the shooters improved consistency, this kept Sidcot very much in contention.

Another major difference in this game was the superb support play by both Sydney Drury and Vivian Chan down through the mid court. It provided an extra safe pass within the centre third, giving Mati Grove valuable time to elude her very agile opponent and enabling her to then to better placed to support her own shooters around the circle edge.

The girls were naturally a little disappointed not to have repeated a win over this team, but the quality of play, determination shown and terrific team spirit should be something the girls can be very proud of; an excellent game!

Player of the match: Vivian Chan

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U15 Netball v Hans Price Academy, Wednesday 26 January: Sidcot 9 – 1 HPA

Sidcot needed to field a mixed age group for this game due to many lower fifth players being involved with the Berlin trip. Those girls that stepped up included Freya King, Meghan Vivian, Cressie Hoddell and Ciara Hennecke, all of whom played great netball to match the older and more experienced Hans Price team.
In the mid court, Meghan, Freya, Cressie and Ellie Cooke linked well together, bringing the ball through the court with great speed and agility. In defence, Ciara Hennecke and Indeigh Wintersons height advantage meant that they were able to intercept at ease and were rarely stretched in the defending circle. Gretal Havercroft and Bethan Rees also had very good games and saw plenty of ball from the ever busy Freya and Meghan. Despite having to compete against an extremely physical defensive unit, they enjoyed many shots on goal, which on another day could have made the score line even larger.

Considering the mix of ages this was a most confident and assured performance, where all girls were able to demonstrate their netball prowess. A lovely game to umpire.

Player of the Match: Gretal Havercroft 

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U13 Hockey v Hans Price Academy Thursday 26 January: Sidcot 8 – 0 HPA

On an extremely cold evening a squad of eight  U13 girls keenly made their way to the Astro to play against Hans Price. Normally only 7 players would have played with extras substituting, but it was extremely cold so all 8 players stayed on the pitch. This did to a certain extent mean it was a little more congested that usual.

Sidcot attack had a quick and decisive start and quickly scored a goal. The next few minutes saw some determined bursts forward and again some more goals while Hans Price tried to adjust to speed of play. A few adjustments were then made to the Sidcot team with some forwards exchanging with some backs. This slowed the pace of play down a little and meant Hans Price could get in to the game a little more. Sidcot were forced to use better passing as the defence improved, and made some great connections between the centre area and the left side of the pitch. The Sidcot team were far more experienced passing the ball with greater pace, and made some super tackles in defence so that Izzy Fawcett was never troubled in goal.

It was nice to see the girls adapt well to different positions. Ruby Owen made some sensible and accurate tackles when in central defence. Freya made some determined tackles in defence and nearly scored a goal when playing in attack.Sofia Parker Mills cleared the ball well on a few occasions through the middle of the pitch to the attackers. Lottie Gunter and Erin Crofts worked well on both wings. They both had opportunities to score and Erin managed to be successful on two occasions. Lily Arnold worked hard in the midfield area supporting the forwards and managed to make 2 good strikes on goal.  Ana De La Torre worked the ball well through the central area in attack and later in defence. She was able to distribute it to both wings and also was successful in scoring on 4 occasions.

We look forward to future matches which could be more challenging.

Player of the match: Ana de la Torre

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

U12 Hockey v Hans Price Academy, Thursday 26 January: Sidcot 5 – 0 HPA

This was a self-assured and positive performance in this, their first match, of the term.

Sidcot dominated from the first whistle and passed the ball confidently and with good pace using the width to good effect. Sophie Lee was strong in midfield and was able to distribute well from this position.

Early goals were scored and the girls were ahead by good margin at the break.

In the second half, Hans Price fought back and the game was much more even – although Vicki Lawrence in the Sidcot goal was not troubled and got very cold!

The goals were scored by Sophie Lee (2), Issie Hoddell (2) and Lily Adams.

Strong performances from all – well done indeed!

Player of the match: Issie Hoddell


Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

1st XI Football v Taunton School, Saturday 21 January: Sidcot 5 – 1 Taunton
Sidcot welcomed a technically-talented Taunton School last Saturday and set the bar very high for the rest of the season.

All the Sidcot players looked very assured on the ball and had the perfect combination of robust defence, marshalled by captain Marios Michael and a lightning quick front four, put together by coach Nick Crofts.

This approach paid dividends with Alex Crofts out stripping the Taunton defence to finish calmly twice in the first 20 minutes. Then Will Corderoy scored with a lovely chip from outside the box to cement Sidcot's advantage just before half time.

Taunton gave a better account of themselves in the second half but with men of the match Piers Lanford and Cameron Fisher running the midfield, Taunton were limited to a consolation goal on the final whistle.

Alex Smith
PE Faculty

1st XI v Wells Cathedral School, Wednesday 25 February: Sidcot 4 – 1 WCS

Sidcot took to the field against a very able Wells side, boosting a former PSG academy player who controlled the game for the first 20 minutes and opened the scoring with a fabulous individual effort. Sidcot rallied hard and their pressure forced an own goal. Then, Ethan Fletcher slid in to score just before the break. Wells, again, dominated the better of the early exchanges but the Sidcot boys were able to hit them on the break with the speed of Tulsi Winterson then man of the match Will Macarther scored a wonderful header to secure victory.

Alex Smith
PE Faculty