In support of our Ukrainian and Russian students

In support of our Ukrainian and Russian students

We return from our half term break shocked and saddened by the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine.  As an international school community, we have a number of students, staff and families that are being either directly or indirectly affected and we are doing our best to ensure school remains a supportive and understanding place for all. We are proud of the wide range of nationalities we embrace at Sidcot and so the pain felt by those involved in the current conflict is one we all share.  However, as a school and more importantly as a Quaker school, we do so with empathy, kindness and without judgement.


Our boarding and pastoral teams have been supporting affected students on a personalised basis throughout the return to school. Ukrainian and Russian students have been given a ‘free pass’ to spend time in our Wellbeing Hub (Rose Cottage), where they are able to contact home at any time of day, or have access to pastoral support or our team of counsellors. Our Whole School community is mindful of the impact of events on us all and are encouraged to have conversations that are appropriate and sensitive, while allowing us all to explore our thoughts and emotions at this unsettling time. 


An example of this was during lunchtime today, when we were all invited to join together for a session run by Sam Bowen, our Head of History. Two dozen students and staff spanning all year groups across the Senior School were invited to share and discuss a range of perspectives on the conflict (such as those presented by Russia Today, as well as the BBC). All debated whether the West was doing enough, and whether Russia has been sidelined historically. We looked forward as well as backward to the lessons taught by history, wondering what the impact on other countries of this chain of events might be. The level of engagement and knowledge showed by students was admirable, leading to a highly stimulating conversation.


Today our Headmaster reminded us of the instruction given to the early Quakers to ‘walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone’.  At Sidcot we are happy to replace God with good and see our relationships as being positive, meaningful and affirming – with the intention that our values will support and sustain us through these current times.